I am a bad blogging mommy! I should just do small ones here and there but never do so it gets to be FOREVER before I update...for that I am sorry!
Anyway...Josey is just such a 2.5 year old. Actually she is a bit past 2.5 but you all know what I mean. She is VERY verbal, active as heck, inquisitive about her world, independant to frustration sometimes and an overall joy to us.
She lately has taken to the following conversation:
"Where are we going Mommy?"
"We are going to the store Josey."
"Weeelllll, Mommy we have a choice. We can go to the store OR we can stay home."
"Well what are we doing Josey?"
"Going to the store."
"Ok so that is our choice then. To go to the store."
"Ok Mommy."
She applies this "chioce" conversation to many situations too....Some where she is about to get into trouble too. Those are my favorite. Thinking she has a choice between throwing her toy in the air OR going to her room if she does it again. I firmly let her know that there is no choice there. If the toy gets thrown THEN she gets to go to her room. No choices, except not to throw the toy. She normally decides not to throw the toy. Hoenstly she does. Sometimes anyway...there are days/nights where she will throw anyway and get some alone time in her room.
Her and Daddy went camping this weekend. She had an absolute blast! She loves to go camping with Daddy! Well who am I kidding? She loves to do anything with Daddy! Fishing, camping, movie, shopping....anything. I am glad that she loves Daddy so much since Mommy will be pretty busy soon with the new arrivals.
That is another thing in Josey's World that is interesting. SHe is pregnant too you all may know...has been most of the time that I have been. She asks doctors to check her baby when she goes in, we have the most WONDERFUL doc who actually checked her belly when she was in for booster shots. He listened and told her that her baby sounded really good. She just beamed like any proud mommy would! I wanted to kiss him for obliging her! But anyway....she has told me that she will have her baby when I have mine, her baby moves and sleeps in her tummy just like these babies do too! Just the other day we were out and she stopped and turned and told me to feel her belly since her "Rosey" was moving. That is her babies name, Rosey! Here is a belly picture that she wanted taken when I was taking mine, for posterity's sake you know!

She is now in clothes ranging from 2T to 3T which is just funny. She was always so far ahead in size, being born at 10 pounds and all, and is now actually slowing down pretty dramatically. Still healthy mind you just slowing down so much that I am having a time adjusting to it! I bought her some clothes for this fall/winter the other day and it was wierd...this is one of the first times I have had to since we have gotten so many hand me downs...but it was fun too. I am excited to see them and get to put them on her. She helped me pick some out, she can definitely let me know what she does and does not like.
She loves to talk on the phone...always wants to call Grandma Bucky or Grandma Jane. During the day sometimes she will ask to talk to Daddy too. Nap and bedtime are struggles sometimes these days. She asks 1000 questions, not important in the least of course, and stalls for what seems like forever sometimes. It is amusing and frustrating. She has to have shadow animals made by Daddy, Mommy sings Twinkle Star and she tells us every night that she is going to be a big sister. I hope she is that excited after the babies are here!
Well here are a couple of pics....Hope you are all well and good...off to update about the twins....
What a sweet sleeping little girl!

How cute is she?