Tuesday, February 20, 2007

She LOVES soup!

It has been a while again and I am sorry for that. We have been busy and there has been lots going on. I looked back at the pictures that I have taken recently to see what she has been up to. There were quite a few!

Well....she is totally into soup these days. Yes you read that right...soup. She LOVES soup. It is actually kind of amusing. she will ask for soup for lunch or dinner. She is not real picky about the flavor. She eats just about anything. The other day she asked for soup so I had a can of beef broth in the cabinet. I heated that up with some corn and she went to town. It is really funny. I bought her a few spoons that are a little bit deeper so she can scoop up more soup and most of it actually makes it to her mouth!

We played with Play-Doh the other day and that was a lot of fun as well. She had a blast making "snakes" and other shapes with cookie cutters. She would then run a little "cutter" over them and look at the design then exclaim with glee, "It worked Mommy! It worked!" It was really cute. I just loved watching her get so excited about it.

So we have also gotten a lot of snow around here lately and she just loves to play in the snow. What we do alot when it is that snow-y is I load her up on the sled and pull her down to the post office to check our mail. Then she gets to hold any packages on the sled and we make our way back home. She thinks this is great! She loves to grab chunks of snow, clean ones of course, and eat those. She loves eating snow about as much as she loves eating soup! Her new thing is to grab a handful of snow and throw it in the air while yelling, "It's snowing!" She just loves that!

For her birthday from her Aunt Cindy she got a Green Bay Packer cheerleader outfit! She just looks adorable. We were going to wear it to a Super Bowl party but our plans changed so she did not get a chance to wear it. I was wondering when we were going to get her in it and then decided to surprise Daddy on Valentines Day at work with her in her outfit. See, her daddy is the Packer fan in the family. I am a Dallas Cowboy fan through and through. Grew up in Texas for most of my life and so my football blood runs silver and blue. Brad on the other hand is a die hard Packer fan and I have no problem obliging him! Anyway, I put her little outfit on and went to surprise Daddy. It was a good surprise he was not expecting us at all and he got to show her off to his co-workers. It is always cute to watch him beam as everyone tells him what a cutie she is. He loves it!

We also went that day to get a heart shaped pizza for dinner that night. Josey was excited to surprise Daddy. The pizza was yummy! And fun too. I will leave you all with a picture of that. More later I am sure...she is constantly entertaining us!

Saturday, February 3, 2007


We have this scarf that Josey likes to play with. We have had since she was a baby. One of my favorite photos of her at about 3 months old was taken with this scarf on while playing peek-a-boo. So anyway...she has been playing with this scarf for ever. Yesterday she comes up to me while I was doing some work on the computer and says,"JOSEY SUPERHERO!" with this scarf around her neck like a "cape" and her arms in the air. I thought this was so cute! I was able to get her to "pose" for me.
Here are a few other pictures from yesterday that were too cute!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Fighting the Good Fight

ok...so this whole pottying thing. It is just the most hilarious thing sometimes.

I have never in my life called so many people to tell them what my child is doing. And the funniest thing is that I am calling them to tell them that she has pooped or peed. I never knew that as a mom I would talk about body functions so much! You know when they are newborns you are constantly monitoring their poops and peeing. Making sure they are peeing enough, noting their poop color and consistency. Now I am calling people to have them congratulate her for peeing in the potty.

The other day we were at Wal-Mart and I asked her if she needed to pee in the potty since she had been drinking a lot that morning. She said yes so I went to take her. I took off her diaper and then held her on the potty since they are so big. She went pee. I was pretty happy since it was not at home, she told me she needed to go and was right and she had no fear about the "big" potty. SO...I proceeded to call Grandma Bucky and Daddy in the middle of Wal-Mart. Now I will admit that ever since I was pregnant with Josey I have been known to do to weird things in stores. When I was pregnant I would talk to my belly in the stores...I talked to her all the time when I was home and sometimes I would forget I was in public. Of course since she was born I have talked to her, sung to her or made silly faces or noises to make her laugh in stores. So this is not necessarily the weirdest thing I have ever done...just funny to call, hand her the phone and listen to her proudly, and loudly, exclaim "Daddy I pee in potty!!!" I do however think it is important and love to have many people congratulate her for peeing in potty.

So yesterday she pooped in the potty. I think it surprised her as much as it did me. I think that is a pretty big hurdle. May not be something she consistently does but at least it has happened now and she hopefully won't be scared to do it in the future. She just came up to me as I am writing this and asked me to change her. I asked her if she meant her diaper and she said yes. I asked her if she was poopy and she again said yes. So we changed her and she peed in potty too. I am proud that she was able to ask me to change her. Maybe the tides are turning in the poopy department. For a while she has been telling me no when I ask her if she has pooped. And I can smell her, I know she has but she will still say no. Again, normal, but frustrating.

Anyway...we will continue to fight the "good fight" and remain positive and proud. I was reading a book last night about potty training and that was one thing that stuck out the loudest was the idea of keeping it all positive so that she does not get scared or have any negative "feelings" toward pottying. I will try my best to maintain patience and to praise her loudly and often for pottying. Good luck to all those out there too. I know we are not alone in this journey and that is also very very helpful!

More later I am sure....she is constantly amazing me these days.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

There's an Alligator in Here

OK...so I tell people all the time that Josey talks all the time. And I mean seriously all the time. But it really is the "worst", actually the best, when we are in the car. We went to a short string quartet concert today at the public library. Here is the conversation that we had. Keep up...and don't worry about my punctuation....:) This will also be written in "Josey speak" I will do my best to write it as she says it.

Josey: where we going?

Mommy: to the library to listen to some music.

Josey: to listen to music?

M: yes

J: ok. I have to be quiet.

M: yes you should be quiet.

J: ok. sounds good. (pause) we go to library to listen to story?

M: no not today. just music. Ms. Laura and your buddy Ben will be there.

J: Laura and Ben? ok

We now stop to get gas.

J: what we doing Mommy? Get gas?

M: yes we are getting gas.

J: ok.

Then we get on the road to go to the library. Make note here that she has her stuffed tiger with us today.

J: I hold tiger real tight mommy. he cold.

M: that is nice, it is cold outside today isn't it?

J: uh-huh. I hold him. I no drop him. We going to listen to music?

M: yep.

J: ok. I be quiet. Sounds good.

a brief moment of silence.

J: we go play with Gracie? see Bonnie and Chris?

M: no. not today maybe later. (later is my response to most everything.)

J: ok. maybe later. we go see Ben and Laura. Listen to music at library. ok.

J: Mommy what the car doing?

M: driving somewhere.

J: driving?

M: yep driving.

J: ok. Mommy what are you doing?

M: I am driving sweetie. What are you doing?

J: I am going to listen to music. I be quiet. Sound good?

M: yep. sounds good.

Then on the way home.

J: I hear music. I quiet too.

M: yes you were quiet. good job.

J: mommy I go see Grandma Bucky.

M: well not today honey. maybe later.

J: maybe later. ok.

M: we are going to go home to eat lunch and then take a nap. Sound good?

J: Sounds good Mommy.

A few moments of quiet...some conversation then....

J: Mommy, there's an alligator in here.

M: really. That is interesting.

J: uh-huh.

M: is he nice?

J: uh-huh. he nice.

This went on for a few more minutes. She has the wildest imagination that is beginning to really show its' face. She is so funny too. Very matter of fact about the alligator in the van with us. This is what I remember of the conversation to and from the library. there was more....so much more but that is a basic sampling of what we do whenever we go somewhere. If her music CD, The Wiggles, is on she will sing and then talk over the music. I have started just leaving it quiet because as tiresome(I am not a bad mommy! she just really talks alot!) as the constant chatter gets I love it at the same time. It is really fun to hear what she has to say. I hate the repetition the most. Sometimes she asks the same things over and over. That is when I get a little frustrated. But oh well. She is growing so fast that I know even these days are numbered. And I mean to cherish every last moment that I can. It will be gone before we know it!