Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Are you kidding me?

Josey is becoming quite the daredevil and really likes to climb on things and test her physical boundaries. I think this is probably quite common but today she got herself into quite a pickle. She climbed into her "baby" stroller, the stroller for baby dolls, and had quite a time. The picture of her smiling at the camera as she sits in there quite proud of herself was taken moments before she fell backwards and smacked her head into the tile entry way floor. Poor thing cried and looked so injured. As though the tile floor and the stroller had conspired to hurt her! She did this one more time and again fell backwards prompting more cries and calls for "kisses" to make it better. I thought that she was done and went into the kitchen to finish dinner. What an amateur I am! Not two minutes later the little stinker starts crying again because she guessed it. Climbed in there again and fell over backwards. I thought about taking a picture but was worried that someone might think me mean for taking a picture of my crying baby girl. It was almost funny though; her determination to "beat" the stroller and sit in it without falling backwards. The stroller is now put away so that she can no longer attempt to win this battle. In the bath tonight I noticed some marks on her back that will most definitely become bruises from her falls. Poor thing!

As I continue to "grow" into being a mom I have begun to realize that I can have a pretty bad potty mouth. Josey of course has hit the age where she repeats everything we say. And I mean EVERYTHING! This has led to me coming up with new phrases or substitutes for things that I used to say that are no longer appropriate. One of these "new" phrases is "Are you kidding me?". She has picked up on this and gives the most adorable rendition of this when prompted. Even cuter though she says it at other times too. Times when it actually seems appropriate too. It is really cute!

Well, she is sleeping and I should be too. There will be more later. I will have to post a picture of her wall of cards....I put all of our Christmas cards on the front door and she just thinks that is pretty cool. Likes to stand and look up and identify everyone in pictures and who the cards came from. She has been getting cards from Grandma Bucky, thank you!, and she just thinks this is wonderful. She LOVES to get cards in the mail and then read them. It is actually just adorable to watch her read them. She still has a card that she got this summer from a friend of hers. One of her little play dates bit her while they were riding in a grocery cart together. This was Josey's first experience with being bit so Jack sent a card apologizing. Josey still has that card in her play purse and knows who sent it to her. Too funny!

Good night to all....and to all a good night!

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