Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!

Not too much to post today. I just wanted to say Happy New Year. Josey is napping right now after playing at the park with Daddy this morning. He has to go back to work tomorrow and I know that they are both a little sad about that. Well Josey may not be yet but she will be tomorrow. She is going to miss him.

Wanted to post this adorable picture of the little "pincess" as she calls herself. There is a wand that goes with it but she tends to beat the dog with it so....I have that put away for now. :) This was taken last night so she looks as though she is ready to ring in the NewYear huh?

1 comment:

Simply Silly said...

Brighton and I enjoyed this picture of the "pincess". Bright has a wand too, and we had to set it aside for the same reason :)