Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Row, Row the Boat....

Josey has learned to sing Row your Boat. She sings it pretty well, forgetting some words of course but she sings it! I just think it is adorable. She also sings Twinkle Star, her A,B,C's and Ring around the Rosey. I just love that she sings these songs! The bestest part, yeah I know that bestest is not a word, is that she sings to the babies. Yes folks she sings to her unborn siblings. Too Cute! and it is normally two or three choruses. No single song for her! The best part is that she has to have my tummy totally bare. She will pull up my shirt and down the maternity panel pants I normally wear and then sing to my bare belly. Sometimes into my belly button as though it were a microphone. She also tickles the babies through my belly button....I think she thinks if she sticks her finger in there far enough she may just actually touch them! I have to stop her though, my belly button is quickly disappearing and there is not a whole lot of room to stick her finger!

Her other favorite thing to do with the babies is to tell my tummy, "I am your big sister Josey!" These babies will definitely know who she is when they appear!

Anyway....I just had to post about this adorable little girl and her love for her siblings who she has only seen on an u/s screen. We will see how things go when they are here and able to make noise and take mommy's attention but overall I think she is excited to be a big sister and hoping she will adjust accordingly.

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