She has grown up so much and is becoming such a beautiful little girl. Inside and out. She is definitely a two year old, some days everything out of her mouth is "No!" or "Mine!". But she is also compassionate and caring. She will hit sometimes, as two year old will, but will come and say, "Mommy I hit Daddy. Daddy Crying. I say sorry." and she will proceed to apologize to Brad and give him a hug. Whenever she hears another child crying she asks me if they are ok. She is so sweet.
And so independent. She will be getting a new pair of shoes for her birthday, Pedoodles. I love them because they are good for growing feet bu also because they are velcro so she can put them on herself. I quit trying to put tie shoes on her until she can learn to tie them herself because she had a fit when I would not let her do it herself. "My turn." she will yell at me when she wants to do it herself. And these can turn into all out wars if not handled appropriately.
She is such a joy though. I often tell her she is my Joy. I am so blessed. Here are some pictures from today. We kept her birthday simple. Her and I made some little loaf cakes, this way I could freeze some since we would never get a cake eaten. She was so excited to make them with me. It was precious. Then we sang Happy Birthday to her three or fours times. She had to have her candles re-lit repeatedly since she was having so much fun blowing them out. It was just such a blast.
I hope that everyone is having a good year so far....more later. I am tired and ready to hit the hay!
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